Cité des métiers - Beroepenpunt
Cité des métiers - Beroepenpunt

F Nous contacter

Tour Astro
Avenue de l’Astronomie, 14
1210 Bruxelles (Arrêt Madou)

Lundi - mardi – mercredi - vendredi :
09:30 à 16:00
Jeudi : 13:30 à 19:00
(vacances scolaires : 13:30 à 16:00)


Documents  POZZO DI BORGO Philippe | enregistrements trouvés : 1


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vol. 0 - 43 blz
Cote : BF Tremplin

At Publishing House to communicate easily appeared rather the Intouchables ' filmed as ' life story of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo under the title: ' friends for life '. This publication is available in the series read light and is written at A2 level. For readers who are only just learning the Dutch language, there is now an even simpler version appeared: ' an unexpected friendship '.

Langues ; Néerlandais

Plan de classement : A1.06 Commerce et support à la vente

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