Het verhaal van Rita
Rita goes to town. To buy a gift for Linda. Because Linda's birthday today. But the day of shopping is very different from Rita had thought.
The series picture book is written specifically for the novice reader. The reading level is about A1. All parts are written by student Johan van Caeneghem.
URL : http://www.eenvoudigcommuniceren.nl/informatief/werken-in-st...
Plan de classement : A1.06 Commerce et support à la vente
Niveau d'autorisation : 0
Autorisation : Public
Langue : Néerlandais
Collection : Beeldboek
Volume : 0
Imputation : A4/18/21802727 (2 ex)
Format : Papier
Thèmes : Métier
Statut : Cde
EPM : 11941
Base : Bruxelles Formation ; Cité des métiers