Cité des métiers - Beroepenpunt
Cité des métiers - Beroepenpunt

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Tour Astro
Avenue de l’Astronomie, 14
1210 Bruxelles (Arrêt Madou)

Lundi - mardi – mercredi - vendredi :
09:30 à 16:00
Jeudi : 13:30 à 19:00
(vacances scolaires : 13:30 à 16:00)


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- 254 p.
Call n° : CDM BP

Ever dreamed about a private company? This book is the first step! Start a startup in 48 hours? It can really! Fraser Doherty shows what when starting a company. By coming up with a concept to finding customers and the creation of a website - all aspects are covered. Bright, clear, inspiring ... and it will cost you but a weekend.

Création d'entreprise ; Entrepreneur

Plan de classement : C0 Entreprendre

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